Women’s Clinic-Surgical and Medical Abortion in Toronto

Abortion pill Dr.web
4 min readJan 5, 2024


The Clinic performs abortions from early pregnancy to late second trimester. We offer both surgical and medical abortions. All abortion services are strictly confidential and no parental consent is required. No information will be shared with anyone without your written consent.

Counselling and Birth Control Options (INFORMED AND CONFIDENTIAL)

We provide counselling prior to all abortion procedures and, if interested, will provide information about birth control options that suit your lifestyle. IUD insertions and prescriptions for hormonal contraceptives are available. We can insert the IUD at the time of the abortion or at your check-up.


You will be offered medication to help alleviate discomfort and anxiety, keeping you as comfortable as possible. We use intravenous sedation during the procedure and oral pain medication in the recovery room.

The Abortion Procedure

Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion is short, simple and safe. The procedure itself takes about three to five minutes, after which you will able to rest and recover in our post-op area. Abortion is one of the safest and most common surgical procedures performed today.

Medical Abortion (THE ABORTION PILL)

A medical abortion is an abortion by medication rather than surgery. We offer medical abortion using Mifegymiso, also called the Abortion Pill. In Ontario the cost of Mifegymiso is covered under OHIP. We can dispense the medication to you directly at the clinic.

Forms to Download for Medical Abortion:


If you are uncertain what kind of abortion procedure is right for you then read our information flyer how do I choose?


We provide follow up for any patient experiencing problems post procedure as well as to clients interested in discussing birth control. If you feel well, you can use your regular health care provider or a sexual health clinic. Follow ups are recommended 2–3 weeks post procedure.

D&C After Miscarriage (Professional and caring)

Dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure is a surgical procedure necessary when complications of pregnancy such as fetal demise, retained products of conception, and genetic abnormalities occur. This allows for controlled management and avoids the possibility of prolonged bleeding, pain and potential infection.

At Bloor West Village Women’s Clinic, D&C procedures are performed by specially trained doctors with the assistance of registered nurses selected for their experience, knowledge, and compassion.

A D&C procedure takes between 3 and 5 minutes to complete and is performed under IV sedation and local anesthesia. You will be awake during the procedure but your discomfort will be minimized.

Recovery from a D&C procedure is fast and most patients feel ready to leave in approximately 30–60 minutes.


Physicians: please download the attached form to refer your patient. Patients or providers should still contact our office for an appointment before booking.

Mifegymiso: The Revolutionary Abortion Pill Now Available in Toronto

In a significant stride towards women’s reproductive healthcare, Health Canada has approved the availability of Mifegymiso, a combination drug comprising mifepristone (RU-486) and misoprostol. This breakthrough medication, listed among the World Health Organization’s “essential medicines,” marks a pivotal moment in providing safe and accessible options for ending pregnancies within the first trimester.

Understanding Mifegymiso
Mifegymiso operates by utilizing the combined effects of mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone, by blocking progesterone production, interferes with the uterine lining’s preparation for pregnancy. Following this, the administration of misoprostol induces contractions, resulting in a miscarriage-like process within the privacy and comfort of one’s home.

Global Adoption and Usage
Initially introduced in France and China in 1988, this medication gradually gained approval in various nations. By 2000, the United States sanctioned its use, and in 2012, Australia followed suit. Currently, it constitutes a significant proportion of abortions in numerous European countries (around 60%) and approximately 20% in the United States.

Evaluating Safety and Efficacy
Extensive research, including a comprehensive review of over 45,000 medical abortions employing mifepristone, revealed remarkably low rates of complications. Fewer than five percent of cases necessitated surgical intervention, with only 0.4 percent reporting serious complications. Published in the medical journal Contraception, this study affirmed the safety and high efficacy of the procedure.

Delays and Approval Process
The journey towards Mifegymiso’s approval in Canada encountered significant delays. Initially proposed in 2011 by the European drug company Linepharma International, Health Canada postponed its decision until last year, finally granting authorization for the 200-mg mifepristone tablet.

Advantages Over Current Methods
Previously in Canada, medical abortions accounted for a mere four percent of the total procedures. The conventional method involved using methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug, followed by misoprostol after several days. However, this process posed challenges, including a longer duration, unpredictability, the potential for prolonged completion (up to several weeks), additional medical appointments, and sometimes surgical interventions.

Miscarriage Management Referral Form

Please note that a pregnancy test may be positive for up to 4 weeks post procedure.

Please read our FAQ for typically asked questions and familiarize yourself with what to expect before and after an appointment.

Originally published at https://www.abortionclinictoronto.com.



Abortion pill Dr.web

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